What patients are saying…

Dr. Yee is the Sherlock Holmes of medicine. She likes solving problems, and is willing to put in the time to do so. Head and shoulders above any other doctor I’ve had.

After being ignored, and even scoffed at, for years by several doctors, Dr. Yee is the first one who listened and took me seriously. For more than a decade I tried to get doctors to check me for parasites due to unending GI problems. Their responses ranged from telling me I was just stressed to outright scoffing at the idea. The first thing Dr. Yee did was have me checked for parasites. She listens, she thinks, and she wants you healthy.

If you can get a doctor to think about your problems for just the 10 minutes that comprise your appointment, you’re lucky. Dr. Yee continues to think about her patients long after an appointment is past, because she is truly interested in people and their health, and not in processing as many patients as possible and sending them off with a pill to take for the rest of their lives.

Dr. Yee is the only doctor I don’t hate. I now have hope and am beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

— Brett B., Fort Worth, TX

If you feel sick, tired or are stuck in a rut with your help, please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and go see Dr. Pamela Yee.  Dr. Yee is one of the finest doctors in the United States. When you see her, you’ll be happy and surprised at how different your experience will be compared to most doctor visits. Dr. Yee asks thoughtful questions, listens intently, and engages in a pragmatic conversation with you about ways to improve your health. You will also see that Dr. Yee employs her vast and impressive medical knowledge to identify issues other doctors don’t identify and then offer smart approaches to address the issue.

In my time with Dr. Yee, I’ve stumbled many times, and one of the points I admire and appreciate most about Dr. Yee is the way she handles the stumbles: She listens, she asks thoughtful questions, and then she offers possible adjustments in a way that make you feel good about yourself and the next steps you can take to make tomorrow better than today.

Dr. Yee is simply wonderful – I hope you’ll give yourself a gift today and schedule an appointment with Dr. Yee.

— C.M., Connecticut

“I had seen six doctors before finding Dr. Yee, and none of them were able to figure out what was going on with me. Dr. Yee thoughtfully listened to my symptoms and concerns, and for the first time, made me feel heard.

While in the past I felt brushed off and at times crazy, being told my symptoms could just be in my head, Dr. Yee took the time and energy to help me get to the root of my issues, and provide me with the care necessary to begin the road to healing my body. It was the first time I had a doctor who made me feel like she genuinely cared about solving my issues, and she designed a custom treatment plan tailored specifically to me and my needs, rather than providing me with a band-aid fix.

Though my journey isn't over yet, I am grateful to know that I am not alone, and have Dr. Yee to guide me to a healthier me!”

— C. A., Wilton, CT

Pamela Yee is, without question, the most thoughtful, thorough, compassionate, and talented physician I’ve ever worked with. When I came to her two years ago, I was a post-Covid wreck, plagued by insomnia (and what turned out to be insomnia-related depression), inflammation, and a panoply of stomach issues. What sets Dr. Yee apart is that she is a wonderful listener. She asks exactly the right questions to elicit a diagnosis, and studies even the most banal test results as if looking for clues to solve a juicy mystery. She seems to have a total recall of detailed conversations we’ve had months earlier. (“I think you mentioned once that….”) She checks in with my other doctors and has personally called specialists before making a referral to make sure they’re a good fit. Because I’m a writer, she assigns me journal articles and books to read. (I can now use the word "microglia" in casual conversation.) She’s willing to combine traditional and holistic therapies (and abandon those that seem not to be working) and is focused not only on immediate ailments but problems that might crop up ten, twenty, or thirty years from now. She has an infectiously upbeat demeanor and optimism. I always look forward to our appointments and can say she has improved my quality of life tremendously. Thanks, Dr. Yee!

— Mark A., New York, NY


“There are not enough words to express how much we appreciate Dr. Yee and her medical expertise. She has helped our daughter on her journey to overcoming years of relapsing illnesses, endless fatigue, the development of an autoimmune disease, and seeing one specialist after another with little to no relief. Dr. Yee listens intently and addresses each and every symptom, one by one. It’s been a process but we finally have answers and solutions to some of what our daughter has been experiencing, thanks to Dr. Yee’s knowledge and commitment. Dr. Yee has guided us every step of the way as our daughter’s health and overall well-being is improving. Her kindness, dedication, and willingness to listen and take seriously all of our daughter’s symptoms are unmatched. Dr. Yee has helped us to understand our daughter’s health as a whole and how all of her conditions are interconnected. An appointment with Dr. Yee feels like having several medical specialists in one room. There is so much more we could say about Dr. Yee but if we had to narrow it down, we’d say that her ability to make her patients feel heard and validated has been most impactful. We are confident that our daughter is on a road to recovery and good health, knowing Dr. Yee is putting all of the pieces together and finding ways to heal and overcome.”

— Phil and Laura, Harrison, NY

“Dr. Yee was my first interaction with an Integrative & Functional Medicine practitioner, this experience has proven to be a pivotal point in my life. I came to her frustrated and nearly hopeless, after over a year of numerous medical professionals discounting and dismissing debilitating symptoms. Not only did I finally feel seen and heard, but I left the appointment feeling Dr. Yee would be the practitioner partner to provide me the guidance and support I could trust. Navigating complex and chronic medical challenges, with her by my side, became manageable. What’s more, for the first time in my life I had the support to become more empowered in my health and wellbeing.”

— L. C., Boonton, NJ

“I am a woman, age 50 and came to see Dr. Yee in 2017. I was in good health until having a bad reaction to a vaccine in 2010 from which I never fully recovered. By the time I came to see Dr. Yee, I spent thousands of dollars on doctors and testing, just to be told it was all in my head. There were many things wrong with me. The list of symptoms too long to mention, but I knew I was dying. Dr. Yee diagnosed me with Lyme disease and with treatment I started healing. Due to years of non-treatment, I have Parkinson’s disease, but Lyme is in remission for four years now and Parkinson’s didn’t get worse. I took a big chance and traveled from far to see Dr. Yee and she gave me back my life. Her approach is all about preventing and healing and not dulling the symptoms. The way healthcare should be! I am forever grateful.”

— Sonja, Ottumwa, IA

Dr. Yee has a heart and performs her work with love and passion and that’s what makes her the doctor that she is, and so special to me. For a period of over three years, my son was searching for a medical doctor, holistic healer or an alternative medicine specialist, anybody in the medical community who could identify my ailment and treat it effectively. After hearing about my condition, the director at the integral health center told my son: “I will assign to your dad my best diagnostician.” That’s how my journey with Dr. Yee started over twelve years ago.

Since childhood, I needed the constant care of many doctors and different specialists. I never came across another doctor that I can say is equivalent to Dr. Yee & her capabilities. I never met another doctor who showed such interest, devotion and purpose in knowing and understanding all facets of my being. She treats every aspect of my health. Yes, she is a functional medicine doctor, and there are many functional medicine doctors, but in my experience, she is so unique in her approach and methodology. She is highly intelligent, with incredible memory & remarkable work ethics. She has a curious mind with very high degree of attention to details, as well as an enormous capacity to do research.

Dr. Yee is always extremely well prepared for a meeting with a detailed plan of short term and long term goals she needs to reach. She does not accept just the conventional thinking but looks for answers “out of the box”. She operates on the cutting edge of medicine. I can state unequivocally that now, at the of 78, thanks to Dr. Yee, I am feeling like I am in my 50s. She gets involved with all aspects of my being. She not only addresses the particular ailment I came to see her for but all other components of my health and well-being, and what it takes to function well in totality. Physical and emotional health have to interact harmoniously in order to be properly healthy and enjoy a good life. Dr. Yee understands that deeply and directs all her energy accordingly.

On top of it all, she is very charismatic, and it is so pleasant to talk to her. She cares about you not just as a patient but also as a person. She represents the ultimate doctor one dreams of having. There is only one Dr. Pamela Yee! Consider yourself lucky if you are one of her patients.

— Jacob A., New York, NY

“You want a doctor like Dr. Pamela Yee on your team. She is truly like no other. Aside from her incredible knowledge, Dr. Yee is a physician who cares deeply and practices with great compassion, kindness, respect, and a gentle firmness. All those qualities are not easily found in one doctor! I will be forever grateful to Dr. Yee for guiding me toward optimal health.”

— T. R., White Plains, NY

“Dr. Yee has been a tremendous help to me and my family. She has identified and addressed various issues for me and my family, leading to our improved collective health. Dr. Yee has been caring, attentive, and extremely professional. We are all lucky to have her in our lives.”

— M. A., New York, NY

“Dr. Yee single-handedly changed my life after years of worsening symptoms and no answers or simply being dismissed by other doctors. She was the first to successfully diagnose me and, more importantly, identify the underlying causes. She is a master diagnostician and the quarterback everyone deserves on their medical team. She is relentless in finding the root cause of any problem you face and the perfect person to take point in your care at a time when medicine is very siloed.

Dr. Yee always takes her time with you during appointments and makes you feel like you are her only patient. She offers a clear roadmap for getting and keeping you healthy and well. Dr. Yee is the perfect mix of eastern and western medicine and will always refer you to the right specialist if or when necessary, who she knows will listen to your needs. She gave me the knowledge and information that other doctors couldn’t and listened when others wouldn’t. Dr. Yee never gives up until she finds answers. She has helped me lead a happier, healthier, and more energetic life and for that I will forever be grateful.

No matter what your need is, whether it is prevention, treatment, or a mystery illness that no one has been able to diagnose, Dr. Yee is no doubt the right person to see.”

— M. F., Westport, CT


I've seen dozens of doctors in search of addressing my health challenges and Dr. Yee is above and beyond the best health practitioner I've had the good fortune of working with. She's incredibly attentive to the patient's needs, is vastly knowledgeable about a wide range of areas of health (as opposed to being limited to a specific subject area like most others), and has brought me more symptom relief and benefit along my health journey than anyone else. If you have the chance to work with her, I can't recommend working with her enough.

— T. F., New York, NY

“Dr. Yee is a very caring doctor who considers the whole patient including the emotional, mental and physical components. She doesn’t just treat your symptoms without addressing the cause. She provides a thorough treatment plan and I have had great results. She is approachable, available and a good coach. As a breast cancer survivor with gut issues, I am grateful for her help.”

— C. S., Wilton, CT

“Dr. Yee is the perfect physician, that everyone wants but is so hard to find. She saved me from years of wandering in a medical wasteland. Dr. Yee is intelligent, professional, medically up to date and highly knowledgeable and caring. I don’t know where I’d be without her and her expertise.”

— K. J. L., New York, NY

“Dr. Yee was strongly recommended to me by a family doctor, as I had been incapacitated by multiple, complex auto-immune and chronic digestive disorders. Immediately following a lengthy and very focused initial consultation and blood work, Dr. Yee began assembling a comprehensive approach to diet, medication, supplements, and lifestyle, resulting in an integrative treatment plan. Dr. Yee’s all-encompassing, integrative approach to healing illness and controlling inflammation is both science-based and holistic. Dr. Yee is a very gifted doctor who takes her time with patients, is fully present during consultations, and has prescribed protocols and tests that have proven truly useful.

I cannot recommend Dr. Yee highly enough to anyone wanting a physician who is a compassionate and curious scientist with deep knowledge of nutrition and integrative medicine. Dr. Yee is an excellent doctor for anyone overwhelmed by chronic, complex medical issues. She examines and treats the entire patient and not just the particular illness. Dr. Yee also works in concert with chosen specialists, ensuring an expansive treatment plan.”

— M. D., Helsinki, Finland

“Dr. Yee helped me regain my health after years of suffering from almost constant illness and lethargy. Through her calm, compassionate and detailed approach to integrative medicine, she was able to identify and address my complex and multi-layered health conditions in a methodical manner. Most importantly, in the process of restoring me to health, she gave me the tools to manage it on an ongoing basis.”

— C. G., New Canaan, CT

“I’ve been working with Dr. Yee since 2019. When I first began seeing her I was depressed, anxious and experiencing a ton of pain. Dr. Yee has helped me to understand where the inflammation in my body is coming from, given me tools to use that are accessible to me and keeps me on track. At 36 years old my hormones were showing that I was premenopausal. She helped to level out my hormones and when it came time to get pregnant my body was in optimal shape to conceive. Dr. Yee meets me where I am every step of the way and takes into consideration the factors in my life to show me the best path forward. I can't recommend working with her enough!”

— Kristen, Pleasantville, NY

“It is very scary and lonely when you get a tough cancer diagnosis. The traditional oncology departments of the major hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of patients receiving standard of care treatment. My oncologist did not have time to delve into my individual history, health profile, lifestyle, and questions. As a cancer patient, I wanted to know what else I could do in addition to the standard chemo and surgery that was offered to me for my Triple Negative Breast Cancer diagnosis. A friend recommended I consult with Dr. Yee. This wonderful doctor has been an “angel” and friend to me throughout this past year. She is up to date on the latest innovative cancer screening and diagnostic tools that may not be offered in a typical cancer hospital. Her suggestions of a combination of diet, supplements, and repurposed medications are helping me try to shut down the potential survival pathways of the cancer cells. After chemo and surgery, it was scary to think that I would just watch, wait, and hope that the cancer would not return. Instead, I feel like Dr. Yee has armed me with knowledge and weapons to continue to fight, protect, and strengthen my body. She welcomes any and all questions that I have about new research papers I come across or ideas from cancer support groups online. She also checks on my mental and spiritual well-being and I assure her that I am “walking hand in hand with God” on this journey…He led me to her practice!”

— Rosaleen, Yonkers, NY

“Dr. Yee is exceptional. She has been my doctor for over 10 years. I first met her after finishing treatment for ovarian cancer and I wanted to do everything I could to prevent a recurrence. My current health and vitality are due to her thoroughness, her training in integrative, functional, and holistic medicine, her extraordinary listening skills, and her ability to navigate the medical system. I have not had a cancer recurrence, but I’ve had Lyme disease and experienced devastating post COVID symptoms, and Dr. Yee is the one who figured out how to treat these complex, confounding conditions. She has restored my health many times. Dr. Yee is also a joy to spend time with-like a dose of sunshine.”

— C. B., Oradell, NJ

“I live in Oregon and have suffered with several chronic issues that I could not get answers to with Kaiser, mainly they were digestive issues, terrible fatigue, and worse of all chronic hives. I found that the Blum Center was able to take patients through a video platform. I started last year with Dr. Pamela Yee in April 2021. She assists me on this healing journey. I am grateful she is a real caring physician who takes the time to find answers. I would never be in this place with my health if I had not had the opportunity to have a physician who looked at my total self who has given me sleep suggestions, dietary information, strength training and supplements for my daily well being. I feel like I'm improving on a daily basis. She has given me hope of a better healthier life.”

— Nickie, OR

“When I moved to Westchester four years ago, I was in search of a doctor primarily with the insight and sensibility of functional medicine, but who was also an MD and had a western medicine background. I was looking for a gifted, multi-dimensional doctor.

I wanted to work with a doctor who is a medical detective who can address symptoms by figuring out the underlying causes, and preventively head off other issues from developing. Someone knowledgeable of the appropriate tests available to connect the dots to root out health issues. Someone who could design a sound supplement plan, and other integrative alternatives, to keep me on a healthy track. Someone who engages in informative explanatory discussions, is genuinely concerned about my health, and makes me feel very secure about my care. Someone, so respected in the field, to be able to be a special conduit to important health referrals to other excellent, like-minded medical specialists and preventive practitioners. Someone who is a pleasure to work with, and a delightful, caring person.

Who I was looking for was Dr. Yee, and I am forever grateful that I found her.”

— A. A., White Plains, NY

“I had the great fortune to be referred to Dr. Yee in 2007 when I was struggling with early pregnancy loss. Dr. Yee asked thoughtful questions, listened and was very thorough in coming up with both causes and then solutions. I have been seeing her ever since, and my children have too, and she always brings the same amount of great care, thoroughness and problem solving to understand the root cause of a health issue and also to find ways to promote healthy living. I highly recommend Dr. Yee to figure out a challenging or confusing health issue in a way that’s more than symptom reduction but that cultivates overall well-being.”

— Tricia, NJ

“Dr. Yee is exceptional. She has been my doctor for over 10 years. I first met her after finishing treatment for ovarian cancer and I wanted to do everything I could to prevent a recurrence. My current health and vitality are due to her thoroughness, her training in integrative, functional, and holistic medicine, her extraordinary listening skills, and her ability to navigate the medical system. I have not had a cancer recurrence, but I’ve had Lyme disease and experienced devastating post COVID symptoms, and Dr. Yee is the one who figured out how to treat these complex, confounding conditions. She has restored my health many times. Dr. Yee is also a joy to spend time with-like a dose of sunshine.”

— L. L., Roseland, NJ

“I have been struggling with ongoing medical issues for years. After multiple mysterious health issues, a different doctor I was seeing acknowledged that they were unable to help me any further. They highly recommended I see Dr. Pamela Yee as she was someone who would be able to “put all the pieces together” to get some answers. At that point it was hard to believe that someone could help me but, I figured, I had nothing left to lose. I was relieved to discover that Dr. Yee is a great listener, incredibly knowledgeable and more thorough than any other doctor I have worked with. Without a doubt, she goes the extra mile. In a very short period of time, I had a comprehensive understanding of what was happening in my body. With that information, Dr. Yee tailored solutions for me and helped to create a plan that is making a huge difference on my journey back to wellness. I feel incredibly lucky to have found Dr. Yee and would highly recommend her to anyone who is committed to working towards their own wellness.”

— Susan, Croton-on-Hudson, NY

“With her thorough and forthright health assessments, Dr. Yee enabled me to lose 30 pounds and focus on improving my sleep routine. The results have been life-changing for me. 

Dr. Yee spent more time getting to know me as a patient, was more thorough in the blood testing, and provided outstanding resources for further support if required. She recommended a hypnotherapist for my weight loss and referred me to a health coach for sleep apps and studies. My previous primary care doctors were good, but they could not spend the same amount of time with me, translating into less thoroughness and care.”

— Tracy, New York, NY

“I never knew that woman’s health was something I needed to worry about…until I started approaching menopause in my mid 40’s. I am so happy that I chose ‘me’ and focused on my slowly growing symptoms instead of ignoring them. I and my family are thankful. I look forward to entering my 50’s feeling strong and empowered with knowing my body better and celebrating a healthy and active lifestyle. Dr. Pamela Yee was key to this change. She is engaged, caring and looks at your whole body of symptoms when mapping out a plan with her patients. Dr. Yee makes the process easy and demystifies the numerous studies and research that is out there.”

— H. G., Greenwich CT

Dr. Yee has been instrumental in my journey back to health after my breast cancer diagnosis. When we met, I had just finished hormonal therapy post cancer and was in need of a massive reset. Dr. Yee guided me back to health and vitality with her knowledgeable, professional, calming and friendly demeanor. She always made me feel like I was in good hands, very respectful of the ups and downs on the path to wellness. Now, years later, still under her care and guidance, I am feeling better than ever and am hopeful and excited about my future. Thank you, Dr. Yee for your guidance, your insight and your collaborative partnership on my path back to health. I am forever grateful.

— Mary M., Larchmont, NY


“Dr. Pamela Yee has been an important part of my cancer fighting team for the past 5+ years. She has played a major role in the treatment and control of my metastatic breast cancer.

Dr. Yee brings an unmatched wealth of knowledge, experience, resources and treatment options to her patients. She works independently to prescribe treatment options that seamlessly blend with my other doctors’ treatments to synergistically achieve optimal results. Yet unlike many doctors, oncologists and other “specialists;” Dr. Yee reaches beyond basic bloodwork to get a complete picture of my body’s current state. She regularly orders in-depth tests (such as expanded blood panels, dried urine, stool, breath) to assess my body’s systems and cells. She then expertly prescribes a customized plan comprised of medications, supplements, nutrition and other complementary therapies to attack the cancer while simultaneously supporting my body and wellness. We work together at each meeting to carefully tweak these plans based on my body’s needs at that time.

Besides staying on top of current medical treatment trends, Dr. Yee is also keenly aware of cutting edge treatments and “under the radar” therapies (such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and off label drugs) which she has prescribed for me with excellent results. She takes time to thoughtfully explain her research, her ideas and test results at each and every meeting.

I feel extremely lucky to have Dr. Pamela Yee on my team and in my life. I respect and trust her judgement implicitly and have utmost confidence in her abilities to bring new ideas and treatment options to the table as needed. More importantly, I like her as a human being who treats me with respect and care and gives me hope for my future.”

— Donna, Brooklyn, NY